Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Key

A few weeks ago, while roaming around Manhattan with a friend of mine, I decided that it was time for a break.  We had been wandering around in 102 degree weather for nearly 3 hours, scouring the canyons between the cities massive buildings for signs of life and adventure.  Fairly dehydrated after a long night of music and cheap beer with my band, it was time for respite from the brutal heat and unforgiving blacktop.

We steered into Central Park in search of shade and a grassy patch on which to lay down and cool off.  As soon as I planted down and laid my head on my bag, I was asleep.  An hour later, I awoke refreshed and ready for more adventures.  As I gathered my things and prepared to head out, my hand brushed against some metal object in the grass.  Curious, I felt around until I felt myself grasping some jagged metal piece.

It was a key.

I pocketed it and took it home, carrying around with me until I was able to place it on my dresser, all the while forming some half-baked idea around in my head about what it mean.

I have since turned the key into a necklace, which I wear around dutifully around my neck.  Why?

Well, I guess because the symbolism is just too rich for me to pass up.  The key seemed to perfectly embody much of my thoughts as of light, seemed to compliment perfectly a portion of my own personal philosophy that has really begun to take hold in the last couple of months.

See, for me, I took finding that key as a sign.  I am a praying man.  To what exactly I am not quite sure, but I am a praying man none-the-less, and I took finding this key as an answer to some of these prayers.  An answer that provided more cause for questioning and seeking than rest and finality, but an answer.

I believe that there is treasure that I am to seek.  I believe that we are all seeking treasure of one kind or another.  Everyone's definition of what that treasure is to them is different.  Maybe it is finding a person whom they can love and be loved by, make a family with.  Maybe it is to write a book.  Maybe it is to be hired at a Fortune 500 company and make lot's of money.  Maybe it is to travel the world and see what it has to offer.  I could not say what each person's treasure is, for I also believe it is up to that person to discover what it is they long for in the depths of their heart for themselves.

All of us are uniquely different.  We were born into specific situations, surrounded by certain people and belief systems.  We experienced unique situations and events, helping us to form a unique perspective.  We have talents and strengths, weaknesses and downfalls.  Desires and dreams.  All of these and more blend to be embodied in each person, different from others.  Alike and similar, sure, but never to be repeated except in each person.

Keeping this in mind, it makes sense to me that each person would have a unique treasure to find, to achieve and seek in their life.  They also have a path to walk that might not look like other peoples, that might not mirror the paths and journeys others before them have taken.

I guess finding that key was a reminder to me to keep reflecting on the things that make me - well, me!  And how that is going to help me go after my own treasure, even if the vision of that is still hazy and yet undefined.  I think we are all called to follow that dream we have in our hearts, that vision that comes to us from the very depths of who we are to give us chills of excitement, to bring us real joy.

I wear my key as a reminder that I need to keep seeking out further and further what it is I am here for.  What it is I exist for.  Who I am and why I am I.  Questions that people have been asking for as long as I can tell.  To keep asking and keep searching.  And maybe in that I will find some meaning.

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